School News

Samir Goel (BS '16) and Teri Tan (BS '16) share the most important lessons they've learned in business school

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants for Undergrads -- "'The number one lesson I learned was the importance of building meaningful relationships. People are what drive business and opportunities. My first exposure to this was simply in interacting with other college students where I observed how much of a difference trust and perception made in all engagements business and personal. This realization was further supplemented by the social impact business core where we focused on thought leadership and communications' – Samir Goel ... 'I believe that capitalism is a game where not everyone has equal starting points, yet everyone is subjected to the same standards – wealth. Studying business has allowed me to understand the game and navigate my life accordingly so as to ensure my survival while hopefully creating some positive externalities along the way.' – Teri Tan"

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