Faculty News

Urbanization Project Research Scholar Brandon Fuller on the possibility of state-sponsored immigration

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Excerpt from HuffPost Live -- "I do think that there are some merits to allowing states to have a say in directing the flow of immigration because they understand local costs imposed by immigrants... and also the benefits. I think one advantage that the state-based visa would have, for example, over an employment-based visa is that the immigrants themselves would have more flexibility within the states. So they'd be able to work for any number of different employers. That would create a thicker labor market, which would, of course, benefit employers as well. So there would be a higher potential for good matches between employers and workers. In the existing system, if you take, for example, the H1B specialty employment visa, it ties a worker to one employer. So you don't have that kind of labor market flexibility, which is ultimately detrimental to the immigrant and the economy and the labor market."

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