Ania Johnson (BS '14)

Like many new students, sophomore Ania Johnson spent her first few weeks at Stern searching for her niche in a new environment. “At the start of freshman year I was out of my comfort zone, but being part of a cohort group and having orientation leaders to guide me really helped me find my place within the School,” recalls Ania, who moved to New York from Atlanta to attend her dream college.

Ania Johnson
During Welcome Week, Ania connected with her cohort and embarked on the semester-long Cohort Leadership Project designed to foster collaboration as well as individual growth. “The weekly cohort sessions as well as the numerous social events created an instant sense of community and friendship.”

Encouraged by the number of people she began to meet, Ania continued participating in various activities and organizations around Stern. “I hope to experience all Stern has to offer both inside and outside the classroom, so I used my first year to find out which clubs interested me socially and professionally. I attended several Undergraduate Stern Women in Business (USWIB) events and joined Alpha Kappa Psi, a professional business fraternity within Stern where I discovered incredible camaraderie and support. As I became more involved in the School, my community and network of friends multiplied and now I can say that some of my closest friends are my fellow students.”

Inspired by her freshman experience, Ania sought to make a similar impact on the incoming class. “This year, as a student leader in the Cohort Leadership Project, I mentor new students and jointly conduct cohort sessions every Friday that emphasize teamwork, leadership, and communication skills.” Ania adds that she’s excited about rousing the new class to get involved and gain a sense of connection to the Stern community. “The vibe here is very enthusiastic and focused and aimed at innovation. Just about everyone I’ve encountered is passionate about finding ways to improve themselves and progress the School. It’s motivating and inspiring to share in that experience through my coursework, club participation, and the Cohort Leadership Project. Plus, being a student leader is extra fun because in a way I get to relive my own freshman year!”