Michele Morgan

Executive MBA 2010

Within months of joining NYU Stern, Executive MBA student Michele Morgan found herself preparing for an expanded role at a new company. After working as chief information officer for Teekay Shipping, Michele transitioned across both industry and job function to achieve her current position at British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BC Hydro), one of North America’s leading providers of clean, renewable energy. As a senior vice president, reporting directly to the chief executive officer of BC Hydro, Michele oversees efforts to modernize the company’s energy grid, contributing to the long-term conservation goal of a reduced carbon footprint.

“I was already planning to make a professional change, but I wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly,” Michele says, highlighting the Executive MBA Program as one of the contributing factors in her career transition: “I believe my MBA studies helped expedite this move.”

Michele had been working in Information Technology, but sought broader experiences and challenges. Already in a very senior role, Michele wanted an MBA Program that would provide executive level challenges along with access to experienced peers and professors to facilitate her transition to senior management. Joined by a group of peers that include lawyers, physicians, entrepreneurs and students with PhDs, Michele’s expectations were indeed met.

“In particular, Professor Kabaliswaran’s Leadership in Organizations class has been valuable in my current position,” Michele says. Charged with building an entire department, Michele has hired staff, designed organizational structure and managed the details of her team, directly applying many of the practical concepts covered during class. Michele has found the Executive MBA experience beneficial as she continues to expand her professional responsibilities and apply what she learns in the classroom directly to her job.