Reserving the Lab

If your study requires that participants come to the behavior lab, you must reserve the lab before recruiting participants or running the study. To reserve the behavior lab:
  1. Check the lab calendar to find available dates.
  2. Email your reservation request to

    In your message, include the following:
    1. Your name, email address, and phone number
    2. Name of the study
    3. Exact dates and times you would like to reserve the lab
    4. Whether you would like to reserve the main room with individual computer stations, the group meeting rooms, or the entire lab
    5. If you are scheduling the lab on behalf of someone else, please specify the names of the researcher(s) and the experimenter(s)
All requests will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Per lab policy, researchers may only request up to 12 hours of “prime time” lab space per week (prime time is M-F, 10am-6pm). Additional time may be requested within 10 days of the date desired if the lab is available. Departments needing to reserve the lab for course-related research requirements may reserve the lab for two full weeks (M-F) per semester or, if more than two weeks are needed, up to three days per week for up to 10 weeks per semester. As with individual reservations, departments may request additional time within 10 days of the date desired if the lab is available.