Recent Alumni Events


Summer Fellowships Provide Internships for Undergraduate Students

Last summer, NYU Stern’s Undergraduate College (UC) developed a program that offered professional development opportunities for students. In alignment with UC Professional and Social Impact Pillars, students could explore their interests and use business to create a positive impact.

From top left: Two EMBA DC graduates; outside of DC Stern building; students inside at a table; bridge in DC

A Success From the Get-Go: The First Graduating Class of the EMBA DC Program Celebrated

2020 has been a year to remember, especially for the NYU Stern EMBA DC Program, which graduated its inaugural class of 43 executive-level students in a virtual celebration in August 2020.


Alumni Rally to Help Stern Meet the Moment: How the NYU Stern community came together in the face of Covid-19

Ask anyone what differentiates NYU Stern from other top business schools, and the response is immediate: the sense of community and the agile spirit at the School—among students, faculty, and administration, and after graduation, among a global alumni population numbering more than 110,000.

Grid of headshots - clockwise from top left: Tim Thole, Kristian Ruegg, Daniel Fridman, and Alexia Gallian

A Head Start on Giving Back with The Analyst Pledge

Just a few months into their professional careers, a group of four NYU Stern undergraduate alumni have already started building their legacy of giving back, and they’re getting fellow recent graduates in financial services to sign on as well.

Luzerne McAllister headshot

Championing Diversity and Inclusion: Luzerne McAllister (MBA '14) Pushes for Positive Change

No matter the environment, diversity and inclusion have always been a part of Luzerne McAllister’s (MBA ’14) life and work.

Sophie Frank with the Taj Mahal in the background

Resprana: Sophie Frank's (BS'17) Wearable Air Filter Startup

In her junior year at Stern Undergraduate College, Sophie Frank (BS ’17) had an epiphany. She had recently returned from a course experience in India, where her twin passions for activism and social entrepreneurship had begun to percolate.

Nate Pettit and Hannah Levinson headshots

Stern's New Leadership Accelerator Cultivates Skills and Agility

Launched in March 2020, NYU Stern’s Leadership Accelerator immerses Full-Time MBA students in a sequence of experiential modules that trigger the need t

images of people on a Zoom call smiling

NYU Stern Alumni Gather for a Technology Roundtable for School Updates and Trend Sharing

This November, JP Eggers, vice dean, MBA and Graduate Programs, held a Technology Roundtable with alumni from the industry to share an update on Stern and hear firsthand about trends within the industry.

Mark Hanna

Mark Hanna (MBA ‘72) Shares His Perspective on Blockchain from the Jewelry Industry

NYU Stern Program: MBA
Company: Richline Group, a Berkshire Hathaway Company
Industry: Precious Metals