SSO Coupling Disabled - August 19th, 2016

You have reached this page because you entered or previously bookmarked a page that was powered by Stern - NYU SSO Federation.
As of August 19th, 2016 this functionality has been disabled. This requirement to specifically login with your NYU NetID and password
to university-wide services, which already applies to all other members of the NYU community, is being adopted as part of NYU's
continuing efforts to strengthen and secure the university's IT infrastructure and to protect the university's enterprise data, in the current
context of escalating cybersecurity risks and threats world-wide.

Users trying to access NYU services will need to login using their NYU netID and password.
Please visit the new Stern Life Portal to find updated links to NYU provided services. Make sure to clear your browser cache.

The following NYU services are affected by this change:
If you have questions or need assistance, please contact Stern IT Helpdesk at 212-998-0180 or