Welfare Effects of Mechanisms for Procuring Global Public Goods, by Daniel Altman, Working Paper EC-10-01, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Exploring Political Uncertainty's Impact on Crime in Transition, Barbara G. Katz and Joel Owen, Working Paper EC-10-02, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Credit Rating Agencies and the Financial Crisis: Less Regulation of CRAs Is a Better Response, Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-10-03, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Fixed Effects Vector Decomposition: A Magical Solution to theProblem of Time Invariant Variables in Fixed Effects Models?, William Greene, Working Paper EC-10-04, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
U.S. Navy Promotion and Retention by Race and Sex, Amos Golan, William Greene, and Jeffrey M. Perloff, Working Paper EC-10-05, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Innovative Financing Mechanisms for Education, by Daniel Altman, Working Paper EC-10-06, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Community Enforcement beyond the Prisoner’s Dilemma, Joyee Deb and Julio Gonzalez-Diaz, Working Paper EC-10-07, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Increasing Spectrum for Broadband: What Are The Options?, Thomas M. Lenard, Lawrence J. White, and James L. Riso, Working Paper EC-10-08, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
A Critical Appraisal of Remedies in the EU Microsoft Cases, Nicholas Economides and Ioannis Lianos, Working Paper EC-10-09, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Loss Aversion? What Loss Aversion? Some Surprising Evidence from the Art Market, Jianping Mei, Michael A. Moses, Zur B. Shapira, and Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-10-10, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
The Industrial Organization of the U.S. Single-Family Residential Mortgage Industry, W. Scott Frame and Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-10-11, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999: A Bridge Too Far? Or Not Far Enough?, Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-10-12, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Dynamic Pricing of Network Goods with Boundedly Rational Consumers, Roy Radner, Ami Radunskaya, and Arun Sundararajan, Working Paper EC-10-13, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Conflict and Mobility: Resource Sharing Among Groups, Sourav Bhattacharya, Joyee Deb and Tapas Kundu, Working Paper EC-10-14, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Déjà Vu All Over Again: The Causes of U.S. Commercial Bank Failures This Time Around, Rebel A. Cole and Lawrence J. White, Working Paper EC-10-15, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Entry, Exit, Firm Dynamics, and Aggregate Fluctuations, Gian Luca Clementi and Dino Palazzo, Working Paper EC-10-16, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Revealing Additional Dimensions of Preference Heterogeneity in a Latent Class Mixed Multinomial Logit Model, William Greene and David Hensher, Working Paper EC-10-17, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
Cross–Sectoral Variation in Firm–Level Idiosyncratic Risk, Rui Castro, Gian Luca Clementi, and Yoonsoo Lee, Working Paper EC-10-18, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
The Effect of Content on Global Internet Adoption, Nicholas Economides, V. Brian Viard, Working Paper EC-10-19, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.
The Economics of Network Neutrality, Nicholas Economides, Benjamin Hermalin, Working Paper EC-10-20, Stern School of Business, N.Y.U.