School News

Professor and Vice Dean Kim Corfman, and recent MBA graduate Lia Winograd (MBA ‘19) discuss how Stern's emphasis on experiential learning adds value to the MBA experience for entrepreneurs

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Excerpt for Business of Fashion -- "At Stern, students also get the chance to work with real-life companies in problem-solving. 'Something hard to replicate online is experiential learning,' said Kim Corfman, the academic director of NYU Stern’s Fashion & Luxury MBA. 'You can go out there and do it and read some excellent books, but having guidance while you’re going through the process, there’s really no substitute.'...This was precisely how Winograd used her time at Stern, which offered summer fellowships to entrepreneurs to work on their company ideas. 'They gave me a living stipend and a lot of flexibility to work on my start-up… they took me on a trip to San Francisco where I got to meet angel investors that ended up investing in Pepper,' Winograd said. 'We built out a business plan as a part of a competition, and that pushed me to get into the streets to talk to customers, which helped my co-founder and I to get to different insights.'"

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