Undergraduate student James Collett (BS '24) in-depth Q&A interview: "2024 Best & Brightest Business Major: James Collett, New York University (Stern)."

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "I’m most proud of helping to launch the Initiative Fund. This is an evergreen, student-run, discretionary grant fund endowed by the university to the student government assembly for the purpose of bettering the NYU community and the lives of NYU students. The fund is still in its inaugural year, but is already on track to fund the creation of a food pantry in Steinhardt, living walls of plants in Stern and other buildings around campus, the installation of new water fountains, and the provision of new seating areas for students. I’ve really enjoyed being involved in student government, but these sorts of tangible projects are by far the most rewarding to work on because I know my efforts will be directly felt by my peers."