The Martin J. Gruber Five-Star Conference on Research in Finance - Nov 17th, 2023

This annual conference brings together finance researchers from five leading northeastern universities. We invite colleagues at all schools in the northeast, and others interested in current finance research, to a day of research presentations in finance. Faculty from each of the program participant schools present one of the papers on the program.

Program Participants

Columbia Business School
columbia business logo 300x300 image
NYU Stern School of Business nyu torch 80x80 image Princeton University princeton logo 155x160 image Wharton University of Pennsylvania upenn logo 154x172 image Yale School of Management yale management logo 73x73 image


9:00 Registration - Kaufman Management Center Lobby
9:30 Introduction - Room 1-170
9:45 Itamar Drechsler, The University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School
Alexi Savov, Philipp Schnabl and Olivier Wang, NYU – Stern School Banking on Uninsured Deposits
Discussant: Alp Simsek, Yale School of Management
10:45 Refreshment Break - Outside Room 1-170
11:00 Naz Koont and Tano Santos, Columbia University – GSB
Luigi Zingales, University of Chicago – Booth School
Destabilizing Digital “Bank Walks”
Discussant: Thomas Philippon, NYU – Stern School
12:00 Refreshment Break - Outside Room 1-170
12:15 Jules van Binsbergen, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School
Sophia Hua, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School
Jessica A. Wachter, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School
Is The United States A Lucky Survivor: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
Discussant: Moritz Lenel, Princeton University
1:15 Lunch - Gardner Commons, Room 1-100
Martin J. Gruber, NYU – Stern School
Keynote address by Andrei Shleifer, Harvard University
2:15 Ernest Liu, Princeton University - Room 1-170
Song Ma, Yale School of Management
Innovation Networks and R&D Allocation
Discussant: Bruno Pellegrino, Columbia University GSB
3:15 Refreshment Break - Outside Room 1-170
3:30 Samuel M. Hartzmark, Boston College
Kelly Shue, Yale School of Management
Counterproductive Sustainable Investing: The Impact Elasticity of Brown and Green Firms
Discussant: Lucian Taylor, University of Pennsylvania – Wharton School
4:30 Cocktail Reception -  Gardner Commons, Room 1-100