2005 Conference Details

The New York City Area Conference on Financial Intermediation

November 18, 2005
Leonard N. Stern School of Business
New York University

A conference jointly sponsored by the
Federal Reserve Bank of New York and the Salomon Center at NYU Stern

New York University
Stern School of Business
Henry Kaufman Management Center
44 West 4th Street, New York City
Main Auditorium

For directions to Stern, click here

Registration Details:
Attendance is free of charge but seating is strictly limited and so registration is required. 
To register, please send an email to salomon@stern.nyu.edu before November 1, 2005. 
We aim to confirm your registration by November 1, 2005.

8:00Registration and continental breakfast
8:50Opening Remarks
Matthew Richardson, Director, NYU Salomon Center
Chair: Anthony Saunders, New York University
9:00Adam Ashcraft, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Hoyt Bleakley, University of California at San Diego
On the Market Discipline of Informationally-Opaque Firms: Evidence from Bank Borrowers in the Federal Funds Market” 
Discussant: Kenneth Ayotte, Columbia University
10:00David Gaddis Ross, New York University
On Bankers and their Incentives
Discussant: Donald Morgan, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
11:00Refreshment break
11:30João A.C. Santos, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Andrew Winton, University of Minnesota
Bank Loans, Bonds, and Information Monopolies Across the Business Cycle
Discussant: Enrichetta Ravina, New York University
Chair: Ingo Walter, New York University
2:00Linda Allen, Baruch College, CUNY
Aron A. Gottesman, Pace University
The Informational Efficiency of the Equity Market as Compared to the Syndicated Bank Loan Market
Discussant: James Vickery, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
3:00Yingjin Hila Gan, University of Pennsylvania
Christopher Mayer, Columbia University and NBER
Conflicts of Interest and Securitization
Discussant: Harrison Hong, Princeton University
4:00Refreshment Break
4:30Victoria Ivashina, New York University
The Effects of Syndicate Structure on Loan Spreads
Discussant: Daniel Paravisini, Columbia University
5:30Drinks Reception