Leaves and Departures

Sabbatical/Leave of Absence

Description: Tenured faculty may take paid sabbaticals periodically. Tenured, tenure-track, or clinical faculty may take unpaid leaves of absence.
Policy: NYU Faculty Handbook | Sabbatical Leave Policy
Process: OFA sends out requests for sabbatical/LOA applications, which must be approved by the department chair.  At the conclusion of the sabbatical, the faculty member will be asked to submit a report on activities to the department chair and the vice dean of faculty.
Timing: Sabbatical forms are due to OFA in December.
Form: Sabbatical Request | Leave of Absence Request | Form Submission Instructions

Workload Relief

Description: Full-time faculty members who are parents with the primary responsibility for the care of a newborn child, newly adopted child, new foster care or guardianship placement, or newly-established legal custodial care during the period of workload reduction may elect to request one semester of full course relief or two semesters of half course relief. 
Policy: NYU Faculty Handbook | Workload Relief Policy
Process: Submit the completed form to the department chair.
Timing: Form is to be submitted at least five months before the qualifying event.
Form: Application for Workload Relief 

Tenure Clock Stoppage

Description: Tenure clock stoppage may be granted automatically for a maximum of two semesters prior to receiving tenure for primary caregivers of a child or a parent, a spouse, or a domestic partner in a health crisis of extended duration.  It may be authorized to a faculty member who is granted one or more full semesters of leave for any one of, or combination of, illness/disability leave, maternity leave, or personal leave. 
Policy: NYU Faculty Handbook
Process: Submit the completed form to the department chair.
Timing: Requests should be made as early as possible, and when feasible, approvals should be in place no later than the onset of the semester prior to the period of tenure clock stoppage.
Form: Application to Stop the Tenure Clock 


Description: All resignations require a signed resignation letter.
Process: Submit letter to department chair or OFA.
Timing: As soon as date of resignation is known, submit letter.
Form: n/a