Students with Disabilities

If you give in-class exams, you may have students approach you to ask for accommodations. To help us make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities, the Moses Center for Student Accessibility (CSA) provides a variety of services. Most commonly used by Stern faculty are examination services for students who need extended time.

So you can be prepared to respond, here is a quick overview of students' rights, our responsibilities, and the way NYU's CSA can help.
  1. So we don't have to figure out who is eligible and what to do, students must register with the CSA. They should do this as early as possible in their time at NYU.
  2. Students eligible for and wishing to request accommodations must present you with a letter from the CSA verifying their registration and recommending accommodations.
  3. In some cases, you will be able to provide what they need (usually extended time or distraction-free room for an exam) without assistance. If you cannot, students should arrange to take their exams at the CSA. To do this they must present you with an Exam Accommodations Form, which they must return to the CSA at least a week before the exam.
  4. To the extent possible, exams at the CSA should be begin at the same time the exam begins for other students. When this is not possible, we recommend that exams be administered earlier.
  5. Students should make arrangements for all scheduled exams as early as possible in the semester. They are also responsible for reminding faculty to forward exam materials to the CSA in a timely fashion.
We strongly recommend that all faculty add a statement like the following to their syllabi:
If you have a qualified disability and will require academic accommodation during this course, please contact the Moses Center for Student Accessibility and provide me with a letter from them verifying your registration and outlining the accommodations they recommend. If you will need to take an exam at the CSA, you must submit a completed Exam Accommodations Form to them at least one week prior to the scheduled exam time to be guaranteed accommodation.

If you have questions, the CSA is very helpful and you should feel free to contact them.