School News

Undergraduate student Sanemi Nair (BS '24) in-depth Q&A interview: "2024 Best & Brightest Business Major: Sanemi Nair, New York University (Stern)."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "The biggest lesson I learned is the importance of taking time to get to know the people around you. Whether it be in a class, an internship, or an extracurricular activity, people are at the core of everything you do in business. Getting to know your peers rewards you with lifelong friends and the ability to work more smoothly in a team. At the same time, I learned the importance of surrounding myself with people who consistently challenge me and make me think."

School News

Dean of Students Conor Grennan interview: "Demand Is Skyrocketing For Prompt Engineers, One of the Hottest Roles in AI. But Some Say It Won't Last."

Business Insider logo

Excerpt from Business Insider -- "He said the skill set and experience of the employee using the AI is what really matters, not how people are simply prompting the model. For Grennan, the main way to improve AI-generated content is to learn how to talk to it like a human, which means getting over the mental block of chatting with a machine."

School News

NYU Stern Andre Koo Technology & Entrepreneurship MBAs Immersed in the West Coast Tech Ecosystem

Andre Koo Tech MBA students with Stern Tech Advisory Board Member Jeff Teper (BS ’86), President, Microsoft 365 Collaborative Apps and Platforms, on Microsoft’s campus in Seattle

This January, Class of 2024 students in NYU Stern’s one-year Andre Koo Technology & Entrepreneurship MBA Program traveled to Silicon Valley, Seattle, and Los Angeles as part of an intensive three-credit course designed to immerse students in the West Coast tech ecosystem.

Research Center Events

7th Annual NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) Practice Forum

Practice Forum 24 banner

The NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business Annual Practice Forum is a highly anticipated industry event convening investor and corporate sustainability leaders for an exchange of the latest research and insights on sustainability in practice. Through a curated program of new research findings, panel discussions on the implementation of strategies, frank conversations with executives on how to tackle the challenges, and interactive sessions to apply learnings, participants walk away with practical tools and frameworks to unlock financial value through embedded sustainability.

School News

NYU Stern Fashion & Luxury MBAs Immersed in Florence’s Luxury Fashion World

Fashion & Luxury MBA students with James Ferragamo (BA ’93, MBA ’97), Chief Transformation & Sustainability Officer at Ferragamo, at Ferragamo Palazzo Feroni in Florence

This January, Class of 2024 students in NYU Stern’s one-year Fashion & Luxury MBA Program traveled to Florence, Italy as part of an intensive three-credit course designed to immerse students in one of the hubs of the European fashion and luxury industry.

School News

Executive Director for MBA Admissions Lindsay Loyd is quoted: "How to Get a Great MBA Recommendation."

U.S. News and World Report logo

Excerpt from U.S. News and World Report -- "'Letters of recommendation are an opportunity to add an external perspective to your application and to help bring your story to life from the point of view of someone who knows you well,' Lindsay Loyd, executive director of MBA admissions at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business, wrote in an email. 'Put yourself in the best position for success by being thoughtful about who you ask and by approaching them early.'"

Student Club Events

Unveiling the Inaugural SABAS Conference 2024: South Asians Breaking Barriers Across the World!

A graphic for the upcoming SABAS Conference 2024 that reads: "SABAS Conference 2024, South Asians Breaking Barriers Across the World. Inspire and Empower, Journeys of South Asians who have successfully carved out careers beyond their home countries. Illuminate Opportunities, Potential offered by South Asia's rapid growth and burgeoning opportunities. Save the date: March 8, 2024. Stay tuned for speakers to be announced!"

On March 8, the SABAS Conference 2024 brought together a diverse group of speakers from various industries to share their stories and insights.

Research Center Events

Symposium on Innovation and Sustainable Real Estate: Climate Risk, the Drive for Sustainability, and the New Rules of Real Estate

Tisch building

On Wednesday, March 6, 2024, the Chen Institute for Global Real Estate Finance hosted its 2nd Annual Symposium on Innovation and Sustainable Real Estate, in partnership with the NYU Office of Sustainability and the NYU Stern Climate Finance Initiative.

School News

Only At Stern: NYU Stern Professor Aswath Damodaran on teaching equity valuation

A photo of Professor Aswath Damodaran speaking at an event.

NYU Stern Professor Aswath Damodaran is the Kerschner Family Chair in Finance Education.
Dubbed “The Dean of Valuation” by the media, his insights frequently drive headlines.

School News

NYU Stern Executive Education custom program is featured: "Money Management Institute Offers Training For NextGen Investment Professionals."

Financial Advisor logo

Excerpt from Financial Advisor — "The program, which was developed in collaboration with NYU Stern Executive Education, will offer management and leadership training. The program will be held in April and the deadline for registering is March 22. It consists of an online graduate-level curriculum, workshops at leading industry firms and an in-person residency at the NYU Stern School of Business in New York City, the institute said."

Research Center Events

2024 NYU Stern Fintech Conference: Living Large: The Latest on AI in Finance

2024 Fintech poster

On March 1, 2024, the Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation hosted the 2024 NYU Stern Fintech Conference titled "Living Large: The Latest on AI in Finance."

School News

Director for Career Coaching Genevieve Kenny Boron interview: "How To Increase Your MBA ROI."

BusinessBecause logo

Excerpt from BusinessBecause — "'Take advantage of opportunities in school to build and practice universally desired skills such as communication, critical thinking, and relationship development,' says Genevieve Kenny Boron, director, career coaching, at NYU Stern School of Business."

School News

NYU Stern's Undergraduate College is recognized for having the highest SAT score for its admitted class among top b-schools: "2024 Ranking: Average SAT & ACT Scores At The Top B-Schools."

Poets and Quants logo

Excerpt from Poets & Quants — "Incoming students at New York University’s Stern School of Business (ranked No. 9 overall) had the highest average SAT score at 1545 with 42% of students reporting. That score is three points higher than the average NYU Stern students posted last year, which was also our ranking high."

School News

NYU Stern and NYU Wagner dual degree student Brian Ward (MBA/MPA ’24) shares his experience with the NYU Impact Investment Fund experiential learning course: "NYU’s Student-led Impact Investment Fund."

Clear Admit logo

Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "With this mindset, I came to Stern and Wagner for a dual MBA/MPA and soon discovered the relatively nascent field of Social Impact Investing, which is founded on the premise that businesses can and should design products and services that create environmental, social and financial returns. NIIF has been a fantastic opportunity to learn about impact funds, network with professionals in the field, and gain the experience of working on a deal." 

School News

Dean of Students Conor Grennan interview: "Special Report: Practical AI for Everyone."

Chief Executive logo

Excerpt from Chief Executive — "AI promises efficiency, innovation and unprecedented growth for companies across industries—if only they can get it right. Few, however, are taking the right approach to realize that potential, notes NYU Stern School of Business’s Conor Grennan, one of the most influential and pragmatic thinkers working with ChatGPT today." 

School News

Executive Director for MBA Admissions Lindsay Loyd is quoted: "MBA Essays: 5 Common Pitfalls To Avoid In Your MBA Application."

BusinessBecause logo

Excerpt from BusinessBecause — “'Be yourself and tell us your own unique story. Candidates who spend time on self-reflection and then lean into what truly matters most to them will be well on their way to crafting essays that our team will be thrilled to read,' says Lindsay Loyd, executive director of MBA admissions at NYU Stern School of Business."

School News

Dean Raghu Sundaram announced as NYU's new Senior Vice Chancellor & Head of Global Strategy starting July 1; Vice Dean for MBA & Graduate Programs J.P. Eggers named Stern Interim Dean: "NYU Stern Business School Dean Raghu Sundaram Takes On New Roles."

News India Times logo

Excerpt from News India Times — “'Raghu’s tenure as dean has been, in a word, outstanding. On essentially every measure—fundraising, admissions, job placements for students, strategic expansion (both globally and online), research—his deanship has been marked by success after record-setting success,' Mills said crediting him with raising more than $400 million over his 6-year tenure as Dean."

Student Club Events

2024 Latin America Business Association Conference

Tisch building

If you are interested in entrepreneurship, venture capital, media, business… or simply want to learn more about a region filled with culture, potential and talent to transform the world, join LABA in the most relevant Latin American conference in the United States.

School News

Professor Anindya Ghose is featured; NYU Stern's MS in Business Analytics Program is highlighted: "What is Business Analytics?"

Fortune logo

Excerpt from Fortune -- “'It’s now increasingly difficult, if not impossible to imagine—taking decisions without the help of computers, algorithms and data,' Ghose says. 'So, you will almost certainly see lots of benefits from that. I think that is just the way of the world today will just continue to be even more ubiquitous as we proceed. So, jump in and join the party.'"
