Agents of Change

"NYU Stern quickly emerged as my frontrunner after researching the options in DC and knowing that it is one of the best business schools in the world. Stern also offers extraordinary Yellow Ribbon benefits for veterans. For these reasons, Stern’s EMBA program was a great fit and committing to the program was an easy decision."
Tate Kommer, EMBA DC Class of 2024
Associate, Booz Allen Hamilton

"My undergraduate career prepared me for a career in renewable energy. I chose the EMBA program at Stern because I wanted to develop my skill set in strategy, finance, and operations alongside a diverse and talented cohort. I loved that I had the ability to learn just as much from my classmates as the coursework. I now have the stronger foundation I needed to lead."
Megan Feeg, EMBA NYC Class of 2024
Sr. Director of Revenue Strategy & Operations, Inspire Clean Energy

"The NYU Stern curriculum is not just formulas and an appeal to understand consensus or the status quo. It's about making business leaders think about the entire picture and have a well-rounded view of business, the economy, and life."
Henry Beck, EMBA NY Class of 2023
State Treasurer, State of Maine

“My journey in the technology space, specifically cybersecurity, has brought me closer to the concept of leadership and its influence on organizations and individuals. It made me realize I could ‘be’ a much larger catalyst or influencer of change by taking my career and growth as an individual to the next level. This motivation to be better and drive change led me to the EMBA program at Stern.”
Sheila Attipoe, EMBA DC Class of 2022
Sr. Engineer, Jacobs National Security Solutions

“The best classes I took were ‘Managing Growing Companies’ and ‘Entrepreneurial Finance’. I’m able to apply learnings instantly in my day-to-day. Also, the diversity of the cohort is a force multiplier. We learn from one another and many of us have formed life-long friendships and become professional allies. Bottom line, this program has positively changed the way I think about, react to, and manage my business.”
Kate McDevitt, EMBA DC Class of 2022
Director of Operations, Sazerac Company

“NYU Stern and the EMBA program were catalysts in the creation of my company. Through the program, I met and partnered with my co-founder, and consulted incredible professors. Most importantly, the EMBA program gave me the opportunity to surround myself with brilliant and ambitious peers, whose input and support have been invaluable.”
Christian Blanchet, EMBA NYC Class of 2022
Co-founder and Creative Director, Marèa Maréa