Advisory Council
Alanna Valdez

Senior Director, Executive Programs
"Leadership is inclusivity. To lead is to create an environment where individuals feel welcome to express their ideas, challenge norms, and try something new. An inclusive leader cheers team members on when they succeed, supports them when they fail, and encourages key moments to serve as learning opportunities."
Amanda Parker

Associate Dean, Development and Alumni Relations
"Leadership is knowing what you do well and where you can evolve. It is understanding how to draw the best out of others and inspiring great work by modeling the behavior and outcomes you hope to see."
Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld

Director, Business and Society Program
“Leadership is making productive change and development happen.”
Carol Robbins

Director, Stern Teaching Effectiveness Program (STEP)
"Leadership is an efficient, ethical, and accurate Iowa caucus tally.
Openness to continuous learning and mutual support to lead must reside at the heart of our work."
Dolly Chugh

Associate Professor, Management & Organizations
“Leadership is helping others grow and rise, together.”
Elizabeth Morrison

ITT Geneen Professor in Creative Management
"Leadership is about stepping up to do what you know is right, even when it is hard."
J.P. Eggers

Vice Dean, MBA Programs
"Leadership is the ability to mobilize others towards a shared goal."
Jeffrey Younger

Clinical Associate Professor, Management Communication
“Leadership is directly tied to communication - both verbal and non-verbal. Building awareness through a clear communication strategy can enhance effectiveness as a leader in a very real way.”
Joe Magee

Professor of Management & Organizations
“Leadership is to envision a plausible future, and then to apply power with perspective-taking to get there.”
Mor Armony

Vice Dean for Faculty and Research
"Leadership is about coming up with a vision and making it a reality. A good leader knows how to listen, collaborate, and not lose sight of the big picture."
Paula Steisel Goldfarb
Senior Associate Dean, MBA and Graduate Programs
"Leadership is listening and working with others collaboratively towards a common purpose.”
R. Kabaliswaran

Clinical Associate Professor of Management and Organizations
“Leadership is a play in three acts: envision, energize, execute.”
Steven Blader

Chair, Management and Organizations
“Leadership is bringing out the best in others while continually striving for the best in yourself.”
Tensie Whelan

Director, Center for Sustainable Business
“Leadership is a mindset of inclusive listening and learning, translated into innovation and operational excellence, that creates value for employees, business, and society.”