Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference on Public Policy
Call for Proposals
The joint dynamics of growth and inequality in the developed world.
New York – April 29-30, 2022
The Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Conference on Public Policy is now soliciting papers for a conference on “The joint dynamics of growth and inequality in the developed world.” The conference will be held at New York University on April 29-30, 2022. The format – in-person, hybrid or virtual – will be announced in Fall 2021. The papers and comments are slated for publication in the January 2023 issue of the Journal of Monetary Economics.
Income growth and income inequality both differ substantially across advanced countries, with those differences becoming even more dramatic over the last quarter century. Economic analysis typically addresses these two phenomena separately even though they are likely the result of the same fundamental economic forces. This conference seeks contributions that harness cross-country evidence to identify whether factors such as technical change, globalization, and institutional reform have played a significant role in simultaneously shaping the dynamics of income and its distribution.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Theories that can help identify key drivers of the observed joint dynamics of growth and inequality
Comparative analysis of structural change across developed economies and its consequence for growth and inequality
The role of policies, such as wage compression, retraining, and subsidies to education, targeted at reducing earnings inequality in a scenario featuring a rising demand for skilled labor
The consequences of globalization on growth and inequality in the developed world
The role of financial markets and intellectual property rights protection in promoting growth via innovation and in fostering the concentration of entrepreneurial income
- Mega-cities and mega-firms: Engines of unequal growth?
The editors invite detailed abstracts of no more than two pages describing the proposed research paper. If a preliminary version of the paper is available, authors are encouraged to submit it with their abstract. Proposals should be submitted as pdf attachments to emails addressed to All proposals should arrive no later than Monday, November 1, 2021. The attached pdf file should be named using the lead author’s surname.
We would very much appreciate your sharing this call with any colleagues who might be interested in the themes of the conference. We are especially interested in having members of underrepresented groups and early career scholars submit their research.
The editors, in collaboration with the Carnegie-Rochester-NYU Advisory Board, will make the final selection of papers to be included in the Conference. Authors will be notified by November 24, 2021, if their paper has been selected. Submitted papers should represent original research not previously published. Inclusion in a working paper series such as that of the National Bureau of Economic Research or prior presentation at seminars or conferences is permitted. Since accepted papers are intended for journal publication, authors will not be able to publish or reprint the work without the permission of the editors and publisher. Please note that the editors will contact authors only if their paper is accepted.