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Upcoming Workshops

Level up your skills in PowerPoint

February 27th, 2025 at 12:15pm ET

You may be familiar with PowerPoint, but are you using it effectively?

In our upcoming 15-minute bootcamp, we’ll review tools and features in PowerPoint that will save you time and result in cleaner, more effective slides for your students. 

Learn to apply PowerPoint themes to keep presentations consistent and professionally formatted, use layout tools to quickly arrange slide elements, and find high-quality images, icons, and assets for a polished look.

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Building rubrics with generative AI

March 6th, 2025 at 12:15pm ET

Do you have an assignment that didn’t go quite as planned? Maybe students didn't perform as well as you hoped.

One way to avoid this is to pair an assignment–or even a final project–with a rubric which anchors them to larger learning goals.

Our 45-minute workshop will cover rubrics that communicate how students’ skills will be assessed.

Learn to write clear, concise learning objectives, author several types of rubrics, and leverage LLMs as rubric co-authors.

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Implementing mid-course feedback

March 12, 2025 at 12:15pm ET

Why wait for end-of-semester feedback? Mid-course feedback offers insights while there’s time to act. In this 15-minute bootcamp, we’ll review strategies to create feedback, enabling timely adjustments for students.

Learn to ask the right questions to elicit student responses, create concise student surveys with NYU-supported tools like Qualtrics or Google Forms, and evaluate responses in Sheets with three key strategies. 

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Recording teaching videos with NYU Stream

April 10th, 2025 at 12:15pm
NOTE: This is an in-person workshop. Plan to bring a laptop to follow along.
Creating video is a valuable skill for instructors and a key resource for students, but starting can feel intimidating. We'll cover essential tools like cameras, microphones, and software, and how to access them. You'll learn to plan and structure effective, learner-centered videos, gain hands-on recording experience, and share videos in Brightspace. Perfect for faculty new to video creation!

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Anatomy of a GPT: Behind the scenes of the LSL chatbot

April 24th, 2025 at 12:15pm

Wish you could tailor ChatGPT to your course or streamline repetitive prompts? In this 15-minute bootcamp, learn to build custom GPTs by providing prioritized instructions and files. Explore behind the scenes of a custom GPT created by the Learning Science Lab. By the end, you'll distinguish custom GPTs from the default interface, provide clear instructions and upload files to a custom GPT, and effectively navigate their capabilities and limitations.

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Previous Workshops

You can check out Zoom recordings and presentation materials from past workshops.

On-demand tutorials

Besides our live workshops, the Learning Science Lab offers self-paced online resources.

The Brightspace at your own pace landing page

Brightspace at your own pace

This comprehensive walkthrough gives you everything you need to know to start with Brightspace. From designing your lesson content, to managing grades and quizzes, to using Brightspace's tools to communicate with your class-- you'll learn it here.

Check it out

Brush up on new techniques and technologies.

Our workshops are a great place to learn new skills and enhance your teaching.

Questions? We're available weekdays, 9am-5pm to respond to email queries.