Management and Organizations

Awards and Recognition
Our faculty and students are widely recognized for their excellence in research and teaching. Recent awards and other notable forms of recognition received by members of our department include: AOM Sage Outstanding Scholarly Achievement Award, Poets&Quants top 50 undergraduate professors awards, Best Conference Paper at the Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Silver Medal for exceptional intellectual contributions to the field of International Business, and more.

Faculty in the News
Our faculty are thought leaders in their respective fields, key voices in shaping how managers and organizations navigate today’s dynamic business environment. Mentions of their research and some recent media appearances include: research featured on Psych.org, interview on FiveThirtyEight, research featured in Forbes, interview on Yahoo Finance, and more.

Centers and Initiatives

Department Events
The Management and Organizations Department hosts a wide range of programming and activities throughout the year. This includes our seminar series, internal workshops, scholarly forums, and a rotating list of academic conferences and other special events. Events for AY 24-25 are now live. To be added to the Department's listserv, please email Mary-Grace Tomecki at mgt211@stern.nyu.edu.