PhD Overview

Authoritative curriculum information can be found exclusively in the University Bulletin. All other content, including this page, is for informational purpose only. You can find the curriculum for this program on this page of the Bulletin.
The Doctoral Program in Management builds on the strengths of the department’s faculty and offers its students a broad-based education in the field of Management provided by one of the leading management faculties in the world. It has traditionally offered its students the opportunity to specialize in one of three sub-specializations within Management: Organizational Behavior, Organization Theory, and Strategy. The programs seeks to help its students acquire the necessary background knowledge to become independent researchers and scholars in the field of management. The program encourages students to take an interdisciplinary approach to research if they so desire.
Our program offers several advantages over competing schools:
- World-class Faculty. In a recent survey, Stern's Management Department was ranked fourth world-wide in terms of research productivity. Our faculty publish in and serve on editorial boards of all the leading management journals.
- Breadth & Diversity. Because of the size of our faculty, we are able to offer a wide array of expertise across the broad research domain of management. With over twenty full-time professors, you are likely to find someone to mentor you no matter what your area of interest.
- Small Size. The small size of the program relative to the size of the department means that students can get very personalized attention from faculty. The Doctoral Coordinator makes every effort to match students with faculty who can help them develop research skills in their specific area of interest.
- Living Laboratory. As the center of international commerce, New York City offers amazing opportunities for conversing with managers and studying business organizations. Research opportunities abound right outside our door.
For more information contact PhD Admissions