Program Status Change

Switching Langone Part-time MBA Program Offering Status

There are three offering statuses within The Langone Part-time MBA Program:

  • Washington Square Weeknight
  • Washington Square Saturday
  • Online/Modular

Prior to first enrollment, students admitted to the Langone Part-time MBA program who wish to change their program offering status must submit a written request to the Admission Committee Chairperson.

Students must remain in their program offering status of admittance for their first two semesters of enrollment. After the first two semesters of enrollment, Langone Part-time MBA students interested in officially changing their offering status must petition the Academic Policy Board explaining their reasons for requesting a change in offering status. Requests are considered and accommodated on a space available basis and are not guaranteed. 


Online/Modular students are able to switch into Weeknights or Weekends. Weeknights/Weekends students are able to switch into Online/Modular beginning in Fall 2023. Requests are considered and accommodated on a space available basis and are not guaranteed.

Students are only permitted to change their offering status once. Students interested in switching their offering status more than once must submit an additional petition to the Academic Policy Board explaining why another switch is necessary. The reasons for switching more than once must be compelling. Subsequent requests will be considered and accommodated on a space available basis and are not guaranteed.


Registration Priority by Offering Status within the Langone Part-time MBA Program

Langone Part-time MBA students have registration priority for courses within their program offering status (Online/Modular, Washington Square Weeknight, or Washington Square Saturday).

Courses in the first two semesters of enrollment are reserved for the Block sections for each program offering status. Students must take the Block sections that correspond with their offering status of admittance. During the first two semesters of enrollment, Langone Part-time MBA students may contact Academic Affairs and Advising to take a third course in another offering. Accommodation will be made on a space available basis and is not guaranteed.

During the lottery, Langone Part-time MBA students will see and lottery for only those courses within their program offering status. During the drop/add period, Langone Part-time MBA students may register for courses in other program offering statuses on a space available basis.

Switching from the Full-time to the Langone Part-time MBA Program

Prior to first enrollment, students admitted to the Full-time MBA program should contact the Admission Committee Chairperson for more information should their program interest change.

After first enrollment, students in the Full-Time MBA program may petition the Academic Policy Board to transfer into the Langone Part-time MBA program for any semester after their first in the MBA program. The petition must include the following information:

  1. Student's name.
  2. Student's N number and Net ID.
  3. The semester the student would like to transfer to the Langone Part-time MBA Program.
  4. The number of credits the student has completed.
  5. A statement of the circumstances prompting this request (i.e., full-time job offer).
  6. A proposed plan of study for the remainder of the program.
  7. A detailed career management plan.
  8. For international students: confirmation of either an "H-1" or other applicable visa to replace the F-1 visa status
  9. Approval by the Bursar.

If approved, the student must meet with an Academic Advisor in Academic Affairs and Advising to sign a contract outlining the student's understanding of the conditions of acceptance into the Langone Part-time MBA program. The contract states that, upon transfer to the Langone Part-time MBA program, the student will have all current student privileges, responsibilities and restrictions of the Langone Part-time MBA program (i.e., credit loads, career services, tuition rates*.) Students may not revert to Full-time status after switching programs.

*Change of status may result in additional pro-rated tuition charges.

Switching from the Langone Part-time MBA to the Full-Time Program

Students may not transfer from the Langone Part-time MBA Program to the Full-time program once they enroll. In exceptional cases, students who formally apply to accelerate their programs may be permitted to take more than the allowed maximum number of credits in a given semester.

Langone Part-time MBA students may not register for Full-time Core courses (day). However, day electives are open to Langone Part-time MBA students on a space-available basis. Generally, within their graduation cohort, Full-time students have priority for day electives and Langone Part-time MBA students have priority for evening and weekend electives. Only Langone Part-time MBA students may take courses within the intensive sessions.

Switching from the Master of Science in Quantitative Management (MSQM) to the Langone Part-time MBA Program

A student enrolled in the MSQM Program who is in good standing,1 has a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and has completed at least 18 credits, may petition to transfer into the Langone Part-time MBA Program.2 The transfer itself takes place either in the final spring of the MSQM program, allowing students to take Langone program courses in their final MSQM semester, or the summer following completion of all MSQM courses. Transfers are approved contingent on the student remaining in good standing, completing 33 credits in the MSQM Program by the end of the final MSQM semester, and maintaining a GPA of at least 3.0. Students who transfer to the Langone Program will be considered to have completed all MBA core course requirements once they have completed 33 MSQM credits. Students who transfer have six years from the date they matriculated in the MSQM Program to complete the MBA degree.

A student wishing to transfer must submit a request to the Academic Policy Board:

  • If requesting transfer after completion of 33 credits (status change in summer), the deadline to file the request is the MSQM Application for Degree Candidacy deadline, February 1.3 
  • If requesting transfer after completion of 27 credits (status change in spring), the deadline is November 1.

The request to transfer from the MSQM program must include the following information:

  1. The semester in which the student wishes to begin taking courses in the Langone Program. A student who wishes to begin taking MBA courses later than the subsequent Fall must maintain matriculation by petitioning the Academic Policy Board for a Leave of Absence and pay the fee to maintain matriculation.
  2. The number of credits the student has completed and cumulative GPA at the time of the request.
  3. The semester in which the student expects to have completed 33 MSQM credits. 
  4. For an international student, confirmation of an H-1B or other visa that permits part-time study in the U.S. (unless the student is requesting an exception to move into a special designed version of the Online/Modular option).

If the transfer request is approved, the student will meet with an advisor in the MBA Academic Affairs and Advising office for curriculum planning and to sign a contract acknowledging the conditions of acceptance into the Langone Program and the attendant privileges, responsibilities, and restrictions.  A student who transfers from the MSQM to the Langone Program may not transfer back to the MSQM Program and is not eligible for conferment of the MSQM degree.

If the student remains in good standing and has a GPA of at least 3.0 at conclusion of their final MSQM semester (fall for a spring transfer; spring for a summer transfer), Academic Affairs and Advising will initiate the transfer into the Langone Program.4 Beginning in the semester of transfer, the Bursar will bill the student at the Langone Program rates and all Langone academic and program policies will apply.

1A student in good standing has a current bursar account, no Code of Conduct violations, and no incompletes.  

2Once the MSQM degree has been conferred, we do not have the discretion to allow a student to transfer credits into the Langone Program.  The student may apply to the Langone Program through the regular application process and, if admitted, will be required to complete 60 credits. 

3If a student misses the deadline, the School may decide to make an exception and allow the transfer, as long as the MSQM degree has not been conferred.

4Academic Affairs & Advising will request that Records and Registration update the student’s program status.