Humans of Stern: Hector Galvan (BS ’19)
Thomas Khadoo (BS '21)

Name: Hector Galvan
Year: Class of 2019
Area of Study: Management
NYU Activities & Involvement: Social Media: @hectorjgalvan on Instagram
What brought you to NYU Stern/NYC?
Honestly, NYU Stern is a dream school for me. As for New York City, I’m from The Bronx and I didn’t want to go too far from home, so an hour and a half away by train seemed far but close enough for me. This opportunity also gave me the chance to explore NYC in a way that I’ve never before.
What keeps you grounded?
My friends, family and my dog (Maxi) in The Bronx keep me grounded. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Manhattan isn’t the only part of NYC, so Manhattan and The Bronx are really different. I love the different cultures. Honestly, NYC’s culture isn’t really where I feel most at home. It’s the people I’ve grown up with and met in The Bronx that allow me to be my utmost self. Don’t get me wrong, Manhattan is great, but what’s allowed me to be successful and be who I am during my time at NYU is my backbone that I have in The Bronx.
What is one thing that people don’t know about you?
I’m an immigrant who was born in the Dominican Republic. Only those that know me closely understand just how much my background shapes who I am. I’m very proud to be Dominican and I simply love my culture.
What is your fondest memory during your time here?
There are so many that I wouldn’t even know which chapter of my time at NYU and Stern I’d focus on, but I’ll just pick one. Freshman year I was lucky enough to be on the same floor as about six other Sternies that would end up becoming some of my closest friends during my next three years. Extremely honorable mention: becoming unbelievably close with my homestay family during my time in Florence.
You’re participating in Stern’s International Business Exchange Program (IBEX) right now. What school are you attending and why did you choose this location?
I’m attending Luigi Bocconi University in Milan this semester and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve already studied away before at NYU Florence so when I found out that I could study abroad in Italy a second time, I jumped at the opportunity. Also, Milan is pretty cheap to fly to and from so it’s great for traveling to other cities!
What interests you most and gets you excited? Stern or non-Stern related.
Helping others. It’s something I’ve been doing since I can remember and not in one form exactly but in any way that I can. I participated in the First Year Impact (FYI) Program during the fall of my freshman year and the passion to help others has only grown since then. This past January I led an Alternative Breaks service trip to Costa Rica and I loved that experience just as much as I loved my FYI experience.
Do you have any plans for life after graduation?
I’ve accepted a full-time offer with Ernst & Young for after graduation, but that’s not really my end-all, be-all. It’s incredible and something I’m proud to share, but I like to think that’s only the beginning. I’ll continue figuring out my plans for life after graduation as life unfolds, but I will definitely continue towards fulfilling my purpose of helping others.
Any final thoughts as you reflect back on your time at NYU Stern now that you’re a senior?
Final thoughts? Well if I’m being completely honest, while Stern is a very welcoming place, it can also be a tough one at times. During my first moments at the school I didn’t feel very “Stern” – whatever that supposedly is. But once I realized and accepted that fact, I was finally able to give more of myself to this community.
I share this because it’s something that I’m not alone in experiencing. Others do too – maybe someone reading this right now – and that’s alright. Stern is an awesome place full of many awesome opportunities, and it is at your own pace that you come to this realization and begin taking advantage of them all. We’re all different, with many different upbringings and paths, and it is because of this that we all feel a different sense of “home” at Stern, and that’s alright.
I’ve come a very long way during my time at NYU and at Stern. First-year Hector wouldn’t believe that I’d be featured as a Human of Stern one day, and that’s pretty cool. It shows me and you that so much changes and so much can be done in these four years at such an incredible school.
With that, make sure you grab your remaining year, two years, three, or even few months and make them count. Can’t wait to hear all about it.
Year: Class of 2019
Area of Study: Management
NYU Activities & Involvement: Social Media: @hectorjgalvan on Instagram
What brought you to NYU Stern/NYC?
Honestly, NYU Stern is a dream school for me. As for New York City, I’m from The Bronx and I didn’t want to go too far from home, so an hour and a half away by train seemed far but close enough for me. This opportunity also gave me the chance to explore NYC in a way that I’ve never before.
What keeps you grounded?
My friends, family and my dog (Maxi) in The Bronx keep me grounded. What a lot of people don’t realize is that Manhattan isn’t the only part of NYC, so Manhattan and The Bronx are really different. I love the different cultures. Honestly, NYC’s culture isn’t really where I feel most at home. It’s the people I’ve grown up with and met in The Bronx that allow me to be my utmost self. Don’t get me wrong, Manhattan is great, but what’s allowed me to be successful and be who I am during my time at NYU is my backbone that I have in The Bronx.
What is one thing that people don’t know about you?
I’m an immigrant who was born in the Dominican Republic. Only those that know me closely understand just how much my background shapes who I am. I’m very proud to be Dominican and I simply love my culture.
What is your fondest memory during your time here?
There are so many that I wouldn’t even know which chapter of my time at NYU and Stern I’d focus on, but I’ll just pick one. Freshman year I was lucky enough to be on the same floor as about six other Sternies that would end up becoming some of my closest friends during my next three years. Extremely honorable mention: becoming unbelievably close with my homestay family during my time in Florence.
You’re participating in Stern’s International Business Exchange Program (IBEX) right now. What school are you attending and why did you choose this location?
I’m attending Luigi Bocconi University in Milan this semester and I couldn’t be more thrilled. I’ve already studied away before at NYU Florence so when I found out that I could study abroad in Italy a second time, I jumped at the opportunity. Also, Milan is pretty cheap to fly to and from so it’s great for traveling to other cities!
What interests you most and gets you excited? Stern or non-Stern related.
Helping others. It’s something I’ve been doing since I can remember and not in one form exactly but in any way that I can. I participated in the First Year Impact (FYI) Program during the fall of my freshman year and the passion to help others has only grown since then. This past January I led an Alternative Breaks service trip to Costa Rica and I loved that experience just as much as I loved my FYI experience.
Do you have any plans for life after graduation?
I’ve accepted a full-time offer with Ernst & Young for after graduation, but that’s not really my end-all, be-all. It’s incredible and something I’m proud to share, but I like to think that’s only the beginning. I’ll continue figuring out my plans for life after graduation as life unfolds, but I will definitely continue towards fulfilling my purpose of helping others.
Any final thoughts as you reflect back on your time at NYU Stern now that you’re a senior?
Final thoughts? Well if I’m being completely honest, while Stern is a very welcoming place, it can also be a tough one at times. During my first moments at the school I didn’t feel very “Stern” – whatever that supposedly is. But once I realized and accepted that fact, I was finally able to give more of myself to this community.
I share this because it’s something that I’m not alone in experiencing. Others do too – maybe someone reading this right now – and that’s alright. Stern is an awesome place full of many awesome opportunities, and it is at your own pace that you come to this realization and begin taking advantage of them all. We’re all different, with many different upbringings and paths, and it is because of this that we all feel a different sense of “home” at Stern, and that’s alright.
I’ve come a very long way during my time at NYU and at Stern. First-year Hector wouldn’t believe that I’d be featured as a Human of Stern one day, and that’s pretty cool. It shows me and you that so much changes and so much can be done in these four years at such an incredible school.
With that, make sure you grab your remaining year, two years, three, or even few months and make them count. Can’t wait to hear all about it.