A Candid Conversation about Covid-19's Toll on Black & Latino Communities

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Early research has revealed that Black and Latino communities have been amongst the hardest hit from Covid-19. While comprehensive data behind this discovery has not fully been analyzed, this pandemic highlights health and economic disparities across the country. Underlying disease, occupation, and community resources are just a few of the named factors contributing to these outcomes. What can these communities do now to prevent this from occurring again in the future?
Join us for a conversation about Covid-19 and its affect on communities of color with introductory remarks from Dean Raghu Sundaram and moderated by Professor Dolly Chugh. Panelists feature:
Michele Crespo Fierro, NYU Rory Meyers College of Nursing Clinical Assistant Professor and President of NY Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Melody Goodman, NYU School of Global Public Health Associate Dean for Research and Associate Professor of Biostatistics
Dr. Darien Sutton, MD and MBA Class of 2015, an Emergency Medicine Physician actively treating patients also serving as an ABCNEWS Contributor actively educating the public on health management
Hosted by: NYU Stern School of Business and the Stern Black & Hispanic Alumni Group