Positioning Workshop

Join us for a workshop on positioning, the place you occupy in consumers' minds, hosted by the NYU Stern Marketing Alumni Committee.
Register Now
Abbe-Bogen Faculty Lounge, Room 11-185
Kaufman Management Center
44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012
Want your brand to break through the clutter?
Creating a relevant, memorable position in consumers’ minds is not easy in a world cluttered with information and with multiple competitors vying for mindshare.
We’ll cover some positioning principles and share tools and tips to boost your creativity and idea generation skills. These tools will help you stimulate new ways of thinking and foster breakthrough positioning ideas.
Price: $15
Unless otherwise specified, the deadline to request full or partial refunds for alumni events is 5 business days before the date of the event. To inquire about a refund, please email alumni@stern.nyu.edu.
Workshop Facilitator
Jo Thorogood, Kellogg ’93, Partner at The Sage Network
Jo Thorogood has worked with Fortune 100 corporations, small businesses, start-ups and non-profits, across a variety of industries – from media to medical, paint to pain meds, sound to soup. She has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland and the USA.

Register Now
Abbe-Bogen Faculty Lounge, Room 11-185
Kaufman Management Center
44 West 4th Street, New York, NY 10012
Want your brand to break through the clutter?
Creating a relevant, memorable position in consumers’ minds is not easy in a world cluttered with information and with multiple competitors vying for mindshare.
We’ll cover some positioning principles and share tools and tips to boost your creativity and idea generation skills. These tools will help you stimulate new ways of thinking and foster breakthrough positioning ideas.
Price: $15
Unless otherwise specified, the deadline to request full or partial refunds for alumni events is 5 business days before the date of the event. To inquire about a refund, please email alumni@stern.nyu.edu.
Workshop Facilitator
Jo Thorogood, Kellogg ’93, Partner at The Sage Network
Jo Thorogood has worked with Fortune 100 corporations, small businesses, start-ups and non-profits, across a variety of industries – from media to medical, paint to pain meds, sound to soup. She has lived and worked in the United Kingdom, Australia, Finland and the USA.