Directors & Boards: The Percentage of Directors with Environmental or Social Credentials is Growing

Tensie Whelan penned a byline published in Directors & Boards reflecting CSB's research findings on Fortune 100 board members' ESG expertise in 2018 and 2023.
"In 2018, only 22 Fortune 100 boards had sustainability/ESG committees. Today, 89 do.
In the same year, only 29% of Fortune 100 board members had ESG credentials. Today, 43% do.
This demonstrates a greater focus on sustainability by boards as a strategically important issue for their companies.
In fact, sustainability topics like climate change, worker welfare, water scarcity, cybersecurity, customer safety and corruption continue to grow in financial materiality for corporations, and regulators are asking for clarity into board oversight (e.g., the recent SEC climate regulations)."
Read the full piece at Directors & Boards, and the research report here.