CSB Study Demonstrates Avenues For Beef Production to Improve Sustainability and Financial Performance

In a recent publication in the Journal of Cleaner Production, CSB Director Tensie Whelan, Research Associate Professor Tracy Van Holt, and Senior Scholar Rodrigo Zeidan explore difficulties experienced by companies in the beef supply chain regarding their commitment to zero deforestation and consumers’ unwillingness to pay for “greener” beef.
Excerpt: "Sustainability in business encounters many obstacles among them coordination failures that lead to a low-value equilibrium in supply chains. Companies may deceive their stakeholders by failing to deliver on their commitment to undertake sustainability practices. Solving this dilemma may unlock surplus value for both companies and society and disrupt the business-as-usual inertia throughout the supply chain. Competitive pressures will not be enough to guarantee sustainability-related investments, even when benefits are clear, and companies are willing to engage in such investments. Coordination through NGOs, industry-led bodies, or other institutions may create value that would not otherwise exist."
To read the full article, click here.
Excerpt: "Sustainability in business encounters many obstacles among them coordination failures that lead to a low-value equilibrium in supply chains. Companies may deceive their stakeholders by failing to deliver on their commitment to undertake sustainability practices. Solving this dilemma may unlock surplus value for both companies and society and disrupt the business-as-usual inertia throughout the supply chain. Competitive pressures will not be enough to guarantee sustainability-related investments, even when benefits are clear, and companies are willing to engage in such investments. Coordination through NGOs, industry-led bodies, or other institutions may create value that would not otherwise exist."
To read the full article, click here.
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center for sustainable business