Financial Times Features NYU Stern CSB's Sustainable Market Share Index™

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NYU Stern CSB's Sustainable Market Share Index™ research findings on sustainability-marketed products and consumer trends have been featured in the Financial Times article, "Green Gold: How Sustainability Became Big Business for Consumer Brands."

The article highlights the study's results to support that sustainability-marketed products are increasingly prevalent and important, accounting for more than half of the consumer goods sector growth.

Sustainability-labeled goods typically feature a price premium due to inherent higher costs of production, raising the question of whether this will affect consumer choices due to the pandemic-induced economic downturn.

CSB Senior Scholar, Randi Kronthal-Sacco, responds by confirming that sustainability-labeled goods have maintained their market share despite the pandemic.

Excerpt: "In a fiercely competitive industry, eco-friendly credentials have become key to attracting the attention of consumers worried about the future of the planet."

Read the full article here.