Stern-Wide Research on Sustainability
We celebrate and support the sustainability-focused research and programming being executed across Stern's departments and centers.
Sustainability Research at Stern
Sustainability research embedded into traditional business topics is essential to developing stronger strategies and frameworks for this emerging field. We celebrate and support sustainability research across departments in our Stern and NYU community.
Recent Research Spotlights
Four Facts About ESG Beliefs and Investor Portfolios
Johannes Stroebel, et.al., National Bureau of Economic Research
Does Sustainability Generate Better Financial Performance? Review, Meta-analysis, and Propositions
Ulrich Atz, et.al., Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment
Happy Talk: Is Common Diversity Rhetoric Effective Diversity Rhetoric?
Lisa M. Leslie, et.al., Academy of Management Journal
Making Prosocial Social: The Effectiveness of Social Proof for Energy Conservation using Social Media
Bryan Bollinger, et.al., Journal of the Association for Consumer Research
More Sustainability Research
Accounting | Climate | Economics | Finance | Management and Organizations | Marketing
- Investors' response to the #MeToo movement: does corporate culture matter? (Review of Accounting Studies, 2022)
- Does the Introduction of a Reputation Mechanism for Stewardship Code Disclosures Improve Investor Engagement? (ECGI, 2023)
- Locating the Future of ESG: The Promise of Geospatial Data in Advancing ESG Research (Sustainability and Climate Change, 2023)
- Does sustainability generate better financial
performance? review, meta-analysis, and
propositions (Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment, 2023)
- Climate Risk, Insurance Premiums, and the Effects on Mortgage and Credit Outcomes (Social Science Research Network 2024)
- Climate Transition Risks and the Energy Sector (Working paper, 2024)
- Converting Brown Offices to Green Apartments (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2023)
- Policy Uncertainty Reduces Green Investment (National Bureau of Economic Research)
- Strategic Leadership in Corporate Social Responsibility (Center for Economic Policy Research, 2023)
- Earnings Inequality and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Brazil (American Economic Review, 2022)
- Factor Mimicking Portfolios for Climate Risk (Social Science Research Network, 2023)
- Lower Defeat Thresholds for Minority Shareholders and Corporate Governance: Evidence from the Australian ‘Two-strikes’ Rule (The Accounting Review, 2023)
- Climate-related Disclosure Commitment of the Lenders, Credit
Rationing, and Borrower Environmental Performance (Social Science Research Network, 2023) - A Quantity-Based Approach to Constructing Climate Risk Hedge Portfolios (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022)
- The effect of climate risks on the interactions between financial markets and energy companies (Nature Energy, 2022)
- Is Physical Climate Risk Priced? Evidence from Regional Variation in Exposure to Heat Stress (National Bureau of Economic Research, 2022)
- Measuring inequality in community resilience to natural disasters using large-scale mobility data (Nature Communications, 2021)
- CRISK: Measuring the Climate Risk Exposure of the Financial System (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 2021)
- What do you think about climate finance? (Journal of Financial Economics, 2021)
- Sense and Nonsense in ESG Ratings (Journal of Law, Finance, and Accounting, 2021)
- Climate Change and Long-Run Discount Rates: Evidence from Real Estate (The Review of Financial Studies, 2021)
- Valuing ESG: Doing Good or Sounding Good? (Social Science Research Network, 2020)
- Corporate Ownership and ESG Performance (Harvard Law School Forum, 2025)
- Happy Talk: Is Common Diversity Rhetoric Effective Diversity Rhetoric? (Academy of Management, 2023)
- Certifiable: How Businesses Operationalize Responsible Sourcing (Wiley, 2023)
- Serving rural low-income markets through a social entrepreneurship approach: Venture creation and growth (Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2022)
- Stakeholder Governance: Aligning Stakeholder Interests on Complex Sustainability Issues (Handbook on the Business of Sustainability, 2022)
- Barriers and Boosts: Using Inequity Frames Theory to Expand Understanding of Mechanisms of Race and Gender Inequity (Academy of Management Annals, 2022)
- Inequality in researchers’ minds: Four guiding questions for studying subjective perceptions of economic inequality (Journal of Economic Surveys, 2022)
- A longer shortlist increases the consideration of female candidates in male-dominant domains (Nature Human Behavior, 2021)
- Reducing Emissions across the Consumption Cycle and an Agenda for Future Research on Consumers and Climate Change: Introduction to the Special Issue on Climate Change (Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2023)
- Making Prosocial Social: The Effectiveness of Social Proof for Energy Conservation using Social Media (Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2023)
- Educational Campaigns for Product Labels: Evidence from On-Shelf Nutritional Labeling (Journal of Marketing Research, 2022)
- Conformity and Conservation: Evidence from Home Landscaping and Water Conservation (American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2021)

Interested in funding for sustainability research?
CSB supports projects by Stern faculty and doctoral students on a broad variety of topics related to sustainability and business.
Annual grant awards of up to $15,000 are available to advance original research into the role of business in addressing social and environmental issues.