Student Programs
Student Programs

EmpowHER: Career Development Program in Sustainable Finance, Supported by Visa Foundation
With support from Visa Foundation, CSB launched a new program in Fall 2022 that aims to help a diverse group of values-driven MBA students build their financial expertise and networks, creating the foundation for gainful career opportunities in sustainable business. A career in sustainable finance provides a unique opportunity to drive investment into companies that are solving pressing environmental and social challenges.

MBA Summer Fellowship in Sustainability and Human Rights
The NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights and the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business offers first-year MBA students a paid opportunity to work at a multinational company on corporate sustainability and human rights issues during their summer break.

CSB Executive In Residence Program
Mentorship can be a key differentiator for students as they explore career paths and new business ventures. The EIR program offers enrolled Stern undergraduate, MBA and EMBA students individual access to one-on-one advising and mentorship from a C-suite level executive, helping bridge theory and practice. CSB is thrilled to welcome Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder of Seventh Generation and leading authority on sustainability as the inaugural Executive in Residence.
MBA Stern Signature Projects in Sustainable Business
Stern Signature Projects (SSPs) give MBA students the opportunity to work with faculty to address some of the most pressing global issues of the 21st century. CSB has facilitated SSPs on topics ranging from employee engagement in the pharma industry to water management in Mexico City.
Undergraduate Student Programs

2023 Undergraduate Sustainability Alumni Liaison
Sign-up for a one-on-one chat with the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business’ (CSB) 2023 Sustainability Alumni Liaison to gain insight into how to best leverage the social impact and sustainability programming at Stern and how it can translate into a career in sustainable business.

Undergraduate Boot Camp on Careers in Sustainable Business
Our annual Sustainability Career Boot Camp, previously sponsored by HSBC and PwC, provides Stern undergraduate students with an intensive training program to prepare them for a variety of sustainability-oriented careers.

Undergraduate Research on the Business Case for Sustainability
Each semester, CSB offers student opportunities through the Stern Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR). Past topics have included closing the loop on fashion, valuing worker well-being in the apparel supply chain, and financial benefits of green forest certification.
Funding Opportunities for MBA and Undergraduate Students

Funding for Sustainability Internships
For UG and MBA students interested in pursuing diverse internships with organizations such as non-profits, B Corps, and government entities focused on using market-based solutions to address sustainability challenges, funding is available through Stern.

Apply for an NYU Green Grant
NYU Green Grants are awarded to improve the university's operational environmental performance, foster environmental literacy and community engagement, advance applied research and design, and expand sustainability learning opportunities.