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Webinar: The Role of Business in the Biden Administration's Sustainability Agenda


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Join us for the second webinar in a series, Navigating a New Order: Business Responsibility and Opportunity in the Post-Trump Era, to explore how business can help society tackle challenges responsibly and collaboratively.

Webinar #2 will be presented by Tensie Whelan (Clinical Professor for Business and Society and Director, Center for Sustainable Business) and Jeffrey Hollender (co-Founder & CEO, American Sustainable Business Council; co-founder, Seventh Generation); moderated by Batia Wiesenfeld. 

The Biden administration assumes office as the United States—and the world—face challenging headwinds, from growing polarization to the pandemic’s toll.

Business leaders are being forced to step up, taking a stand on everything from racism and inequality, to immigration, climate change, and more recently, threats to democracy. Employees are increasingly likely to demand a voice, and there is a perception that capitalism is no longer working for the average American.

To check out the whole webinar series, see below: 
Webinar #1: Polarization, Employee Activism, and a New Era for Organizational Culture
Webinar #2: The Role of Business in the Biden Administration's Sustainability Agenda
Webinar #3: Can Business Help Restore Truth in Public Discourse?