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Center for Sustainable Business | Richmond Mayo-Smith (MBA '86)

Richmond Mayo-Smith (MBA '86)

Rick Mayo-SmithPartner, Climate Finance Partners & Stern Executive Board Member 

Richmond Mayo-Smith (MBA '86) is Partner at Climate Finance Partners, Member of the Stern Executive Board, and serves on CSB's Advisory Board.

To learn more about Mr. Mayo-Smith's work in climate finance, listen to CSB's new podcast, The Sustainability Project, launched in January 2021 in celebration of CSB's 5-year anniversary. In the first episode, Tim Quinn (MBA ‘16) Vice President, Financial Communications & Capital Markets at Edelman), interviews Mr. Mayo-Smith on what it means to work in sustainability today.

Mr. Mayo-Smith speaks to the challenges and opportunities that have driven his career in climate financing, offers commentary on the role businesses can play in ameliorating the climate crisis, and shares advice for alumni and students interested in impact investing. 

Excerpt: "It occured to me that I just can't sit idly by, and let the world burn. This is the problem of our generation; of our century. It has to be addressed and everything else is going to be secondary. Everything will eventually be dominated by the climate change issue."

Listen to the podcast episode for free on Anchor or Spotify